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Dating: Search: Woman seeks мужчину
Height: 159
Eye color: Карие
Hair color: Черные
Body type: Обычное
Что у меня на душе... (мой портрет):
What is the greatest happiness for me?
Доверие и уважение
What was the most startling discovery for me?
Люди боятся выражать чувства
What is the most valuable advice I've ever received?
Верь только себе
What is my attitude to religion?
Я католичка
Where would I like to live?
В ирландии
If I had plenty of free time, what would I do?
Помомагала бы людям
There is nothing worse for me than..
Предательство лож и аморальность
How do people around me perceive me?
Where do I like to be in my city?
Адар...эта архетектура...эти люди колоритные
Do I want to have kids?
У меня 4
My main flaw?

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